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Global Healthcare Practice in South America | New Student Global Connection


Global Healthcare Practice in South America
New Student Global Connection

This program will allow incoming new students students, and current students interested in pursing healthcare professions, the chance to compare U.S. and South American Healthcare systems via coursework and travel to Argentina and Brazil from July 12 - 23, 2024 before beginning their Fall semester at WVU. Students will spend a week in Morgantown completing pre-trip coursework and getting an introduction to U.S. and WVU healthcare systems, before traveling to South America.

As much a part of the program, the cultural exploration of South America will also give students an intimate understanding of the national culture and how these places and people interact with the local culture.

Week 1, July 8 - 12 (Pre-Departure):

Monday: Lecture on the Practice of Medicine in the US + Tour of Hospital (2 hours)

Tuesday: Lecture on the Practice of Nursing in the US + Tour of Clinic (2 hours)

Wednesday: Lecture on the Practice of Pharmacy in the US + Tour of Pharmacy (2 hours)

Thursday: Lecture on Infectious Diseases Commonly Encountered While Traveling (2 hours)

Friday/Saturday: Travel to Sao Paulo, Brazil + Orientation Session + Cultural Tour +Welcome Dinner

Sunday: Lecture on the History & Culture of Brazil and Argentina

Week 2, July 15-21 (Travel)

Monday: Lecture on Practice of Medicine & Nursing in Brazil + Visit to a Basic Health Unit

Tuesday: Lecture on Practice of Pharmacy in Brazil + Visit to a Pharmacy and a Large Pharmaceutical Industry + Visit a Drugstore and Tour with a Specialist

Wednesday: Visit to UNIFESP, a University Hospital and Top Research Center

Thursday: Travel to Buenos Aires, Argentina

Friday: Lecture on Practice of Medicine & Nursing in Argentina + Visit to a Public Hospital

Saturday/Sunday: Cultural Experience Days

Week 3, July 17-23 (Travel)

Monday: Lecture on Practice of Pharmacy in Argentina + Visit to a Large Pharmaceutical Industry + Farewell Dinner

Tuesday: Return to the U.S.

Post Travel Abroad Experience

Date TBD: Multiple Choice Final Exam (2 hours - online)