Can non-WVU students go on WVU programs?
Yes! Non-WVU students can easily participate in WVU education abroad programs, whether an exchange or a short term program.
What do I need to do to apply for a WVU program?
Applying to a WVU program is easy. You can create an account in the WVU Abroad system as a non-WVU participant, and complete the necessary program information. You do not need to complete a WVU Admissions application. You will be admitted as a visiting WVU student through the Education Abroad application process. This will make you a WVU student for the time of your study abroad program.
How do I pay for my study abroad?
As a visiting student, you will need to work with your home institution regarding the finances for your international experience. WVU will work with your home institution to apply your home financial aid and scholarships towards your WVU program.